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I hate to admit that Iโ€™m a bit of a Grinch when it comes to the holidays. I love seeing my family and being together but I hate the pressure to give gifts and the focus on material things. Iโ€™m always looking for something unique and meaningful to give.

Often, I give an experience. One year, I enrolled my dad and me in a weeklong backpacking trip that was one part an immersive coaching retreat and one part wilderness survival course. My dad often reminds me of that trip and revels in its memory. He says it was one of the most meaningful experiences of his life.

Whatโ€™s the most meaningful gift youโ€™ve given? Received?

If you are looking for a truly meaningful gift to give your loved one, consider gifting them our coaching services. Coaching can help someone you love to:

  • Get unstuck
  • Find a more fulfilling career
  • Regain their confidence
  • Accomplish a goal that they havenโ€™t been able to do on their own

Giving coaching could turn out to be one of those truly meaningful and life-changing gifts.

One of the funny things about that experience with my dad was that he never would have signed up for it on his own. I had to gift it to him in order for him to do it.

Who do you know that might benefit from coaching?

You can now gift any of our coaching programs. Get the process started at

Wishing you a joyful holiday,

Adrian, Daniel, Emily, and Gracie

Black Lives MatterStatement of Solidarity