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Hey, itโ€™s me, Adrian. You havenโ€™t heard from me in a while but good things have been happening. For one, Iโ€™m going to be rejuvenating this blog and filling it with coaching insights and activities that better support you in finding your path and living it fully.

Why Setting Goals Doesnโ€™t Always Work

Weโ€™ve all had the experience of setting goals that we never accomplish. Itโ€™s not that we donโ€™t want the result that would come from achieving the goal, we just canโ€™t seem to get ourselves in motion to go after it.

The problem with setting goals is that it doesn’t address the deeper stuckness that is holding us back from taking action. We all get stuck in behavior patterns and beliefs about ourselves and whatโ€™s possible that confine us and keep us boxed into an overly safe comfort zone. Until we do something to free ourselves from those limiting ways of being, itโ€™s going to be slow going on our goals.

Goals live on the surface of our lives. Change happens at a deeper level. Most people put too much focus on the action plan for how to accomplish their goals (surface level) instead of working on their state of being and the mindset that is actually going to fuel the pursuit of their goals (deeper level).

What if there was a way for you to bust out of the old confining patterns and put yourself in the right state of being to achieve your goals?

This year, I want to introduce a different approach to achieving your goals.

Let go of the goal and focus on creating the inner shift necessary to get you into a state of being where you wonโ€™t even need to set goals because youโ€™ll be naturally moving towards what you want.

Hereโ€™s one way to do itโ€ฆ

Do something radical. Do something that will shake you out of your old patterns and launch you out of your comfort zone into a state of being where your goals feel much more possible. That new sense of possibility and freedom will carry you forward, leading to a series of other changes that ultimately bring something beautiful into your life and work.

Here are some examples of radical actions Iโ€™ve observed clients take to create the inner shift that sets them free to move toward their goals.

  • Moving (apartments, cities, countries).
  • Going on silent mediation retreats, vision quests, and yoga retreats.
  • Adopting a pet.
  • Quitting a job.
  • Taking an adventure trip.
  • Skydiving.
  • Taking an improv acting class.
  • Redecorating.
  • Seeing a stylist for a fashion makeover.
  • Or do what I didโ€ฆ (see below).

My Radical Act

This year, I wanted to walk my talk and do something radical to bust myself out of a slight funk Iโ€™d been feeling for a few months. I decided to cut my hair. Short.

I know getting a haircut isnโ€™t a big deal for everyone but for me it was a radical act. Hereโ€™s whyโ€ฆ

I grew my hair out after I quit my first job at a business consulting firm and set out to find my own path. Long hair felt like a part of the new identity I formed as a coach โ€“ an identity that felt so much more Me than the Adrian I knew up to that point in my life. But my long hair has served its purpose of differentiating me from my younger self and I feel ready to open myself to bigger change and new possibilities for the next phase of my life.

Picture of Adrian with Short Hair!

How do I look? ๐Ÿ™‚

How do I feel? So far it really has shifted something. I feel reinvigorated with a brighter outlook on life and whatโ€™s possible for me and I feel so much more capable of making other bold changes.

Your Turn:

What Radical Act Will Create The Inner Shift You Need?

Iโ€™m sharing all of this to encourage you to do something radical to shake things up and breakthrough the barriers to change in the New Year. Donโ€™t just set goals. Do something thatโ€™s going to set you free to live more fully.

What radical act will you take to open up the possibility for change this year? I look forward to hearing about it! Please share it in the comments of this blog.

Upcoming at A Path That Fits:

Online Group Coaching Program

Iโ€™m so excited to be just a month away from launching this coaching program!

Iโ€™ve spent the last year synthesizing everything Iโ€™ve learned from nearly 10,000 hours of coaching clients. Iโ€™ve put all the essential elements in this coaching program.

Hereโ€™s what I built:

  • 3 month online group coaching program
  • For people who want to find a career path that fits
  • Delivered through an online learning platform available anywhere in the world
  • With weekly modules that walk you through my step by step pathfinding process
  • Including all of the coaching activities and assessments you need to find the right career for you
  • With me as your guide via videos and live group coaching calls
  • And a community of other pathfinders like you that will all be supporting each other on this journey.

I expect the program to be launching in early February. If youโ€™re interested, keep your eyes open for upcoming blog posts about the coaching program. In a week or two, Iโ€™ll post a link to register for a free teleclass. In the teleclass, Iโ€™ll reveal the step by step process that Iโ€™ve used to help hundreds of people find their path as well as all of the details about the online group coaching program.

I look forward to staying connected with everyone in the coming year. Sending you all good vibes for a beautiful new year.


Black Lives MatterStatement of Solidarity