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Step One

Please list the information for the person receiving the gift below. You’ll enter your information on the following page.

Congratulations on making the decision to give the gift of coaching! Please fill out the form below to purchase this gift. Please only proceed with the gift if your recipient has already had a consultation with either a 1:1 coach or the Director of the Career Pathfinder Group Coaching Program and you are clear on which program your recipient would like to move forward with. Please contact  if you are unsure which program to select or if you need additional support. Thank you!

Free Career Guide & Case Studies

Want a more meaningful career? Learn 5 key strategies to find work you love that pays you well.

We’ve used these strategies to help 1000+ people find their calling and take their careers to the next level. The career guide also includes 4 career change case studies that illustrate how former clients have succeeded in making different types of career pivots.

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5 Keys To Find Work You Love That Pays You Well - Free Guide Cover Image FINAL
Black Lives MatterStatement of Solidarity