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Gracie Miller

Career Coach | Life Coach

Pronouns: She/her

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A little bit about Gracie

When I was younger I struggled with the fact that we were all supposed to magically know “what to do with our lives,” before I’d even had a chance to really know myself.

I had done the “right” things- gone to college, gotten good grades, worked hard… but I didn’t know what to do. I wondered if something was wrong with me, or if I was expecting too much from life to want to enjoy my work. I was often told “I could do anything I set my mind to.” Well sure, you can do anything you set your mind to, but what?

After working in everything from landscaping to landlording, non-profit management to Djing, I know how hard it can be to ‘find yourself,’ let alone apply that to a career when you are multi-passionate and have bills to pay.

When I was in my mid-twenties I had the good fortune of having a life coach as part of an Americorps position. Those 10 sessions were so transformative for me and I could see myself helping others similarly once I had more life experience. My coach helped me understand myself on a deeper level and how that applies to a vocation. She didn’t judge me or tell me I had to use my degree exactly as it was written. She was there for me in a tough time and helped get me on track. It was a huge relief!

By my mid-thirties I had gathered quite a bit of experience managing non-profit programs, and I started to wonder who I was if I wasn’t the manager who held everything together. I realized my self-worth and identity had been wrapped up in a career that didn’t quite fit. Maybe I wasn’t passionate about my work- maybe my work was passionate about me.  I didn’t need to be fearless to make a change- but I did need to change.

I realized in many of my roles I enjoyed mentoring and teaching others- I was even trained to coach in one of my jobs, which gave me more evidence that this path was a fit! After several years of trainings I became a certified Career and Life Purpose Coach. I specialize in clients who feel lost or stuck, or don’t know what they want to do, but know it isn’t this.

Since 2012 I have coached people in all stages of life, from young professionals to executives; those returning to work after a break; business owners; aspiring entrepreneurs; and people who simply need some guidance to make it through a transition.

Using both concrete block-busting tools and intuitive coaching skills, my goal is to help realign you with your most authentic self and express that in ways that support you. By identifying and releasing limitations and exploring who you really are, we can create the life you were born to live. My passion and purpose is not just to help you find a better job- I want to help you love your life.

Degrees and Certifications

  • Life Purpose and Career Coach Certification, Life Purpose Institute
  • Career Intuitive Coach Certification, Sue Frederick
  • ​Bachelor’s in Education and Workshop Design, Goddard College

Additional Trainings

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Voice Dialogue, Akashic Records levels 1-3, Motivational Interviewing Levels 1-3, Neurolinguistic Programming, Alternatives to Violence, Nonviolent Communication​, Multidimensional Energy Healing Certification, Reiki Master, and Intuitive Intelligence.

I was stuck, anxious, bitter, thinking that I blocked myself into a single career path. Then along came Gracie. Gracie taught me how to remove my limitations, and recognize strengths and skills can transition into something else. She built my confidence, helped me become more purposeful, and awakened the dreamer. Gracie is amazing at not only getting to understand you; she also guides you through steps to a better understanding of yourself. Thank you Gracie, for helping me explore and live a little.


I was feeling frustration in my current position and how to go about taking steps toward moving out of it and into my real passion. After going through this process I affirmed what I want to do, what my next steps are, and which blocks I need to continue working to break through. Gracie does a great job of listening to what you want and what you are striving toward, and aligns her advice with next steps specifically for you.


I got a job!!!!! It's not just "a" job - it's a GREAT job. Thank you so much for all of your help and support when I was so down I couldn't even apply for a job because I was convinced no one would ever hire me! Your calm and thoughtful approach was just what I needed.


Thanks so much! It was such a pleasure working with you and I love how I have felt since I started discovering and pursuing my truest passions and interests. I do feel like I have a clear plan and... it's exciting and fortunate that I have the ability to find it on my own terms. I learned a lot about myself through you and know that I will be able to use those learnings for the rest of my life. Yes my career is important, but even more so is knowing and living exactly who I am, all the time.


I just wanted to share my big news, as YOU were a big part of getting me here and making me believe it could happen. I just got hired at a dance school as the Artistic Ballet Director. Thank you!!


Free Career Guide & Case Studies

Want a more meaningful career? Learn 5 key strategies to find work you love that pays you well.

We’ve used these strategies to help 1000+ people find their calling and take their careers to the next level. The career guide also includes 4 career change case studies that illustrate how former clients have succeeded in making different types of career pivots.

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