This is a remote/work from home position. You’ll have lots of flexibility to set your own hours and continue running your own business or working for another company part-time.
The specific role we are hiring for is an online career coach/community manager. You’d be in charge of building community and providing online coaching in our private Facebook group.
The primary responsibility of this role is to provide online coaching by responding to questions and comments posted by clients in our private Facebook group. The private Facebook group is a part of our Career Pathfinder Coaching Program, a 12 week online course that guides people to find their calling. You will also receive occasional emails from clients responding to our automated check-ins. These two tasks account for about 90% of your time.
In addition to providing online coaching, a secondary responsibility is to offer ad hoc 1:1 coaching sessions to clients in the online course that want additional coaching support. This accounts for about 10% of your time.
Training is included to get you up to speed on our specific career coaching method and online curriculum but you are expected to already know how to coach people in a career change.
Here are the coaching skills and
areas of expertise we are looking for: