It’s a virtual coaching program that combines an engaging online course + live coaching sessions with Adrian + a discussion forum where you can post questions and get personalized online coaching from our team of coaches + connection to an inspiring community of fellow career changers and accountability partners.
This program is good for people who are unfulfilled in their current career and want to make changes to find a more meaningful career path, but don’t know the steps to take to get there.
Adrian guides you step-by-step through the online course, explaining exactly what to do in over 50 short videos. The online course includes career assessments, coaching activities, video case studies, expert career tips and advice, career databases to discover new career ideas, and a downloadable workbook to keep you organized and on track. You also get access to live group coaching sessions via Zoom, a private Facebook group where you can ask questions and get personalized feedback from our team of coaches, and connection to a supportive network of fellow career changers for accountability and inspiration.
It’s a more affordable alternative to working 1:1 with a career coach, life coach, or career counselor – and you still get the benefit of live group coaching with Adrian and personalized online coaching in the discussion forum.